Uniform Shop

Uniforms are made available to families attending Blackburn Lake Primary School via our own Uniform Shop.Our school is very fortunate to still maintain an on-site uniform shop.  The Blackburn Lake Primary School Uniform Shop is an entirely parent volunteer run service, helping to keep uniform costs down, providing families access to 2nd hand uniforms and allowing any profits made to go straight back into our school.


Please note the Uniform Shop's HOURS are MONDAY 3.15pm - 4.00pm. 


We continue to encourage you to purchase school uniforms outside of these hours by placing an order using the Uniform Price List Order Form available in the school foyer or from the school website.  Payment can be made using EFTPOS (at the office) or cash / cheque.  Please place your completed order form with payment in a sealed envelope into the "Uniform Shop" mailbox at the side of the school office (we will then fill the order within 1 - 2 weeks and deliver the uniform to your child's classroom).


Please note we now have a third way of purchasing uniforms which is via compass.


If assisting occasionally in the Uniform Shop is something you would like to do, please pop your head in on a Monday afternoon and say 'hello'.  We’d love you to join the helpers roster!

Wearing the correct uniform instils a sense of pride in our students for our school and we thank you for your support in this important matter.


Please wear Student Dress Code Policy clothes such as:

  • White/red/green check patterned summer dress (girls)
  • Red short sleeve or long sleeve polo shirt with Blackburn Lake logo (girls and boys)
  • Bottle green skort or bottle green short (girls) or bottle green drill short (boys)
  • Red short sleeve or long sleeve polo shirt with Blackburn Lake logo (girls and boys
  • Bottle green bootleg pant (girls) 
  • Bottle green drill pant (boys) 
  • Bottle green tracksuit pant (girls and boys)
  • Red track bomber jacket with Blackburn Lake logo or red fleece jacket with Blackburn Lake logo (girls and boys)
  • Skort with bottle green tights (available from uniform shop)
  • Bottle green winter skirt (girls)

To view the price list please click on the link below.

Uniform Order Form