Student wellbeing is a genuine priority at Blackburn Lake Primary School and we strongly believe high learning outcomes are achieved when students feel safe, supported, engaged and respected. At Blackburn Lake Primary School we seek to provide a respectful and caring environment where students are encouraged to adopt a positive attitude and take responsibility for their learning and actions.
Your child’s wellbeing is a high priority within our school community. Within our supportive learning environment, students are encouraged to ‘think well’ and aim for high expectations of achievement.
Developing positive relationships in the classroom, playground and wider community is essential for creating an inclusive environment. Children feel safe and secure when their achievements and contributions are valued and celebrated and they are more likely to develop self-confidence and resilience.Research tells us that school connectedness has the potential to increase academic performances by 11%.
At BLPS we have a tiered approach to Student Wellbeing. We have whole school preventative supports, target supports and interventions for small groups and cohorts and in the top tier individualised supports to meet the specific needs of some students.