Foundation Transition

Foundation Transition @ Blackburn Lake Primary School


Starting school is a major milestone for your child and your family. At Blackburn Lake Primary School we understand that although an exciting time, it can be an emotional time and needs gentle consideration and careful preparation.


At Blackburn Lake Primary School, we want to help make the transition to primary school and our school community a smooth and positive experience for your child and your family.


We understand that the kind of experiences children have as they become familiar with their new surroundings, routines and procedures can affect their transition to school. At Blackburn Lake Primary School, through our school Transition program we aim to build collaborative partnerships between families, early years’ educators and school staff in order to support your child with their transition to our school.


School Tours for Foundation 2026

Every Wednesday at 9.30am – 10.30am, from the 5 March to 2 July 2025, we will be running school tours for Foundation 2026.

Please click on the link below to book a tour.


You will receive a reminder one week before your tour.

If you are unable to attend or need to reschedule, please call the office on 9894 2855 or email

We look forward to meeting you.




Transitioning to School

Our Foundation Transition program aims to prepare children for their new learning environment and to build strong communication and positive relationships with our families.


2024 Transition Dates

Friday 18th Oct
Friday 1st Nov

Friday 15th Nov

Friday 29th Nov - Meet the Teacher



Parent Transition

In addition to our student focussed transition sessions, we provide parent information sessions  on these afternoons that address:

  • Student Wellbeing
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Preparing your Child for School
  • Our School Community


Supporting your Transition

In addition to these student and parent transition sessions we also:

  • Provide a ‘Being in Foundation’ transition story that answers questions about school life at BLPS in the weeks leading up to starting school.
  • Provide a School Transition Showbag which provides optional activities to support your child’s transition to school.
  • Provide a BLPS Parent Information Handbook and a Foundation Information Handbook for parent reference.
  • Visit local Pre-Schools to exchange information between pre-school and school teachers.


New webpage to help families and students prepare for a new school year

A new school year is an exciting time for students and families, but it can be a big step – particularly for those starting Prep or moving to secondary school.

The Department of Education has published a webpage with resources and information to help you prepare for the new school year.

During the school holidays, please consider reading through the resources, which include:

  • tips to help transition between kinder and Prep and primary to secondary school
  • what to expect at school
  • help with school costs and fees
  • health and wellbeing guidance to support children’s mental health.

Please refer to the New year of learning webpage.


Starting School

As a result of our Transition program, when the children finally start school, they will have already met their Foundation teacher and be familiar with our school. Their teacher will be very aware of supporting the children and their families at this time, as will all of the staff.

To help with settling in, we provide:

  • Teacher contact details to support home/school communications
  • Half-day attendance for the first week of school
  • Tea and Tissues morning tea welcome for Foundation parents on their child’s first day of school
  • Different play and lunch times for Foundation students
  • No school on a Wednesday’s for the first 5 weeks to allow for Early Years Assessment testing
  • Welcome Assembly led by our student school councillors where each student is presented with a native plant gifted by our Parent’s Association
  • Curriculum Focus in Term 1 that supports the students to develop a sense of belonging in our school community with strong connections to both teachers and peers


Documentation Required for a New Enrolment
Please note that you will be required to provide the following documents to verify and confirm your child's eligibility for enrolment.

1.Proof of Residence

Please provide proof of your address for school zone verification. eg utility bill

2. Your child’s birth certificate.

a)We require a copy of your child’s birth certificate (translated to English if in another language)
b)If your child was born overseas, we also require your child’s passport and visa

3. Your child’s Immunisation History Statement.
As of 28 February 2018, an Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register will be the only form of documentation accepted as proof of a child's immunisation status.
a) If you have a Medicare card you will need to contact the Australian Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809 to have them post you a copy of your child’s Immunisation History Statement.
b) If you do not have a Medicare card or if the Immunisation Register does not hold any information for your child, you will need to take your child’s immunisation information to a doctor to have it uploaded to the Australian Immunisation Register.


When should I enrol my child in their first year of primary school?

Your child must be 5 years old by 30 April in the year that they start school.


Our School Zone

Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.

Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.

For more information, you can:
visit School zones for answers to frequently asked questions
call the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on 1800 896 950
email the VSBA at


Age For Enrolment

A child is admitted to school at the beginning of a year if his/her fifth birthday falls on or before the 30th April of that year.


Enrolment Queries

Please contact the office on (03) 9894 2855 or email us if you have any enrolment queries.